Compress JPG Online

Compress JPG images efficiently with our free online tool. Reduce file sizes while maintaining optimal image quality, perfect for web use, email attachments, or saving storage space. Our advanced compression algorithm ensures your images look great while significantly decreasing file size.

JPG Compressor

Select Compression Level:

Here's how to compress JPG images online using this tool:

Click the upload button or drag and drop your JPG image into the designated area. You can also click to browse and select files from your device.

Once your JPG image is uploaded, select your desired compression level: low, medium, or high. Our tool will automatically process your image based on your selection.

After the compression is complete, review the results showing the original and compressed file sizes. Click the "Download Compressed JPG" button to save your optimized image.

Compare the quality of the compressed image with the original. If you're not satisfied with the result, you can adjust the compression level and try again.