JPG to BMP Converter

Convert your JPG images to BMP format with our free online tool. This conversion process transforms your JPEG files into BMP (Bitmap) format, which offers uncompressed, high-quality images ideal for editing or when lossless image quality is required. While BMP files are larger in size, they preserve all original image data, making them perfect for certain professional and archival uses.

JPG to BMP Converter

Here's how to convert JPG to BMP online using this tool:

Click the upload button or drag and drop your JPG image into the designated area. You can select any JPG file from your device to convert to BMP format.

Once your JPG image is uploaded, our tool will automatically start the conversion process. The conversion is done entirely in your browser, ensuring your image data remains private and secure.

After the conversion is complete, you'll see a preview of your new BMP image. Take a moment to review the result and ensure it meets your expectations.

If you're satisfied with the converted image, click the "Download BMP" button to save your new BMP file to your device. Remember that BMP files are typically larger than JPG files due to their uncompressed nature.